Installing R on Ubuntu

Hello! R is getting traction with computer scientists and statisticians, and Clounce decided to ride on this adventure. By no means, the R blog roll is intended to be an exhaustive survey of how R works and all its function. But the purpose of this blog roll about R is intended to get you started really fast. Let’s cut the talking, and drive straight to the point – how to get started.

Clounce is short on money, and decided to run R on Ubuntu Linux.

Installing Ubuntu:

  1. Download Ubuntu from the official website. Clounce chose Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
  2. Once Ubuntu is installed, install R following these steps:
    1. $ sudo apt-get install r-base
    2. Download R-Studio from
    3. Go to the location where you downloaded R-Studio, e.g. cd /home/clounce/downloads
    4. $ sudo dpkg -I rstudio<version>.deb
  3. Now launch R-Studio and ask it to compute 1 + 1 as below: type 1 + 1 and hit Enter
R Simple Example

R Simple Example


Happy R-ing!